How Staff Scheduling Software Can Save Time & Money for Your Business
Posted by Giovanni Albanese, October 24, 2023
Running any type of hospitality business like a bar, restaurant, or brewery is a challenging ordeal.
With so many moving parts — ordering supplies, creating menus, and the overall operations, managers barely have enough time to make sure things are getting done.
Then, there’s creating a schedule to ensure you have staff on hand to run everything smoothly.
Primitive methods of writing schedules by hand, or even “advanced” ways of putting them together with a computerized spreadsheet, can tack on hours to a manager’s week and, more importantly, take them away from more critical tasks.
Scheduling software tools, like North Carolina-based Schedulefly, have swooped in to solve that issue, saving companies time and money while streamlining operations.
We heard from Schedulefly Co-Founder Wil Brawley, Mad Mole Brewing Taproom and Operations Manager Byron McSweeney, and Big Red F Restaurant Group Owner and Chef Dave Query, who explain how using scheduling software is a win-win for brewery operations—and many other hospitality services—big and small.
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How Much Do Bartenders Make?
Posted by Sarah Buckholtz, October 3, 2022
Here is a staggering fact: Over 726,936 bartenders currently work in the United States, according to demographic information from Zippia.
And that number is only going to get higher. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the employment of bartenders is projected to grow eighteen percent from 2021 to 2031, with about 105,300 openings for bartenders projected each year, on average, over the next decade.
Many of those positions are anticipated based on the need to replace workers who change careers or retire.
If your business is looking to hire a bartender who has the proper bartending licenses and skills, keep reading as we break down salaries and tipping expectations for bartenders.
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The 11 Best Brewery Interview Questions to Ask
Posted by Sarah Buckholtz, June 10, 2022
Opening a brewery can be one of the hardest yet most fulfilling challenges. Starting a business requires moving many pieces and making many decisions. A small sample might include: writing a business plan, designing the perfect brewery logo, finding great beer names, pricing your beer properly, learning how to run a successful Instagram, and so much more.
Honestly, the list goes on and on.
But once you’ve established your business, one of the core components will be building a great team around you. Hiring competent staff that understands your mission, policies, and procedures will directly contribute to the success of your company culture and your company as a whole.
Your employees reflect you and your business, so you want to make sure that you hire the right person for the job.
But how?
It all starts with asking the right questions.

Photography courtesy of Fullsteam Brewery
The 11 Best Brewery Interview Questions to Ask
Like with any hospitality job—be it in food service or in the taproom—turnover can be common. To ensure you have the best opportunity for operations to run smoothly, investing in the right people will be crucial. You want to find folks who are the right fit for your establishment. Ones who are excited to be at work, who understand your culture, and who look forward to coming to work every day (or at least most days).
While the interviewing process can be exhaustive, asking the right questions can help you find the right person for your team. This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list. Everyone has their opinion on the best questions to ask, but these top eleven will at least give you a foundation. From here, build out your list to suit your own brewery’s goals and vision.
Pick the ones relevant to you from the list below to help guide you through a more genuine and conscientious interview.
For a brewery owner, crafting the right interview questionnaire and strategy will give you the best chance at finding the right candidate to join your team.
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